The comprehensive evaluation of tumor vasculature that is crucial for the development, expansion, and spread of cancer still remains a great challenge, especially the three-dimensional (3D) evaluation of vasculatures. In this study, we proposed a magnetic resonance (MR) angiography strategy with interlocking stratagem of zwitterionic Gd-chelate contrast agents (PAA-Gd) for continuous monitoring of tumor angiogenesis progression in 3D. Owing to the zwitterionic structure and nanoscale molecular diameter, the longitudinal molar relaxivity (r1) of PAA-Gd was 2.5 times higher than that of individual Gd-chelates on a 7.0 T MRI scanner, resulting in the higher-resolution visualization of tumor vasculatures. More importantly, PAA-Gd has the appropriate blood half-life (69.2 min), emphasizing the extended imaging window compared to the individual Gd-chelates. On this basis, by using PAA-Gd as the contrast agent, the high-resolution, 3D depiction of the spatiotemporal distribution of microvasculature in solid tumors formed by different cell lines over various inoculation times has been obtained. This method offers an effective approach for early tumor diagnosis, development assessment, and prognosis evaluation.