Association of Sleep Spindle Rate With Memory Consolidation in Children With Rolandic Epilepsy
Hunki Kwon,Dhinakaran M. Chinappen,Elizabeth A. Kinard,Skyler K. Goodman,Jonathan F. Huang,Erin D. Berja,Katherine G. Walsh,Wen Shi,Dara S. Manoach,Mark Kramer,Catherine J. Chu
Rolandic epilepsy (RE), the most common childhood focal epilepsy syndrome, is characterized by a transient period of sleep-activated epileptiform activity in the centrotemporal regions and variable cognitive deficits. Sleep spindles are prominent thalamocortical brain oscillations during sleep that have been mechanistically linked to sleep-dependent memory consolidation in animal models and healthy controls. Sleep spindles are decreased in RE and related sleep-activated epileptic encephalopathies. To further evaluate the association between this electrographic biomarker and cognitive dysfunction in this common disease, we investigate whether children with RE have deficient sleep-dependent memory consolidation and whether impaired memory consolidation is associated with reduced sleep spindles in the centrotemporal regions. In this prospective case-control study, children were trained and tested on a validated probe of memory consolidation, the motor sequence task (MST). Sleep spindles were measured from high-density EEG during a 90-minute nap opportunity between MST training and testing using an automated sleep spindle detector validated for use in children with and without epilepsy. Twenty-three children with RE (9 with active disease, 5F, age 6.9-12.8 years; 14 with resolved disease, 8F, age 8.8-17.8 years) and 19 age-matched and sex-matched controls (8F, age 6.9-18.7 years) were enrolled. Children with active epilepsy had decreased memory consolidation compared with control children ( Children with RE have impaired sleep-dependent memory consolidation during the active period of disease that correlates with a deficit in the sleep spindle rate. This finding identifies a noninvasive biomarker to aid diagnosis and a potential etiologic mechanism to guide therapeutic discovery of cognitive dysfunction in RE and related sleep-activated epilepsy syndromes.