Abstract Chrysoperla zastrowi sillemi is an extensively employed bio-control agent against crop pests. However, the genomic information on adaptive evolution and predator-prey interaction was lacking to enhance its predatory potential. Here, we presented a high contiguity, chromosomal-level genome assembly of C. zastrowi sillemi using short and long-read sequencing (Illumina and PacBio) coupled with Hi-C. The highly homozygous genome assembly has 597 Mb in span. The assembly contains six chromosomal pseudomolecules, occupying 84% of genome, which range from 29.36 to 170.05 Mb. Genome annotation using Refseq, EggNOG, SwissProt and Eukaryotic Orthologous Groups database has identified 14,495 protein coding genes. The mitochondrial genome is 16 Kb in length with 13 protein-coding genes, 22 tRNAs and three rRNA genes without any gene rearrangements. The genomic information furnished herein could be useful in choosing heritable traits for selective breeding to improve its bio-control potential.