We report “plasma” electron detachment dissociation (EDD), a novel electron-activated dissociation (EAD) method for the fast sequencing of oligonucleotides with a high sequence coverage. To reduce the repulsive Coulombic force between the deprotonated oligonucleotides and the electron beam, we performed EDD in a neutral electron-nitrogen (N2+) plasma stored in a magneto radio-frequency ion trap. We confirmed that plasma EDD accomplished a high sequence coverage (100%) of RNA with 40 mers in the reaction time of 10 ms using the electron beam kinetic energy of 35 eV. This new technique was applied to various modifications in oligonucleotide therapeutics (ONTs). Phosphorothioate (PS) positions showed an extremely high dissociation efficiency, i.e., 100 times higher than the standard phosphate (PO) in DNA. Locked nucleotides did not show intensive dissociation in EDD; however, collision-induced dissociation (CID) helped sequence these portions. Liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) using a ZenoTOF mass spectrometer equipped with the plasma EDD technique successfully identified impurities in degraded samples.