Kirill V. Zaichenko,Anna A. Kordyukova,Boris Gurevich,Evgeny Logachev
The work is devoted to application of wavelet analysis for spectral digital processing of the ultra-high resolution electrocardiography. The basic goal of this method is definition of the markers of cardiovascular pathologies development at early stages, especially of ischemic heart disease. The complex of methods, algorithms, and programs has been developed for the performance of the procedures of ultra-high resolution electrocardiac signals primary and secondary digital processing including methods of the signals statistical and spectral analyses. The basic complexity preventing the electrocardiac signal wavelet analysis realization is the choice of mother wavelet function which form has to be close to that of the studied signal. The analysis of the common mother wavelet functions has been performed and the software for the spectral wavelet analysis has been elaborated. Development of the additional tools, namely, the wavelet transform application, besides the earlier realized and successfully applied in practice procedures histogram creation and calculation of the spectral power densities, will allow to extend the possibilities of ultra-high resolution electrocardiography method for extracting of additional diagnostically important information from the studied electrocardiac signals. The work makes the contribution into achievement of the goal regarding the search of ntw markers of the ischemic heart disease development, especially at its early stages.