Biohydrogen (bio-H2) is regarded as a clean, non-toxic, energy carrier and has enormous potential for transforming fossil fuel-based economy. The development of a continuous high-rate H2 production with low-cost economics following an environmentally friendly approach should be admired for technology demonstration. Thus, the current review discusses the biotechnological and thermochemical pathways for H2 production. Thermochemical conversion involves pyrolysis and gasification routes, while biotechnological involves light-dependent processes (e.g., direct and indirect photolysis, photo/ dark fermentation strategies). Moreover, environmentally friendly technologies can be created while utilizing renewable energy sources including lignocellulosic, wastewater, sludge, microalgae, and others, which are still being developed. Lifecycle assessment (LCA) evaluates and integrates the economic, environmental, and social performance of H2 production from biomass, microalgae, and biochar. Moreover, system boundaries evaluation, i.e., global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication, and sensitivity analysis could lead in development of sustainable bioenergy transition with high economic and environmental benefits.