No matter what kind of therapies you choose, clear aligner treatment (CAT) or fixed orthodontic treatment (FOT), the therapy must be performed on the basis of periodontal health and follow the rule that the treatment cannot be harmful to the periodontal tissues. Doctors and patients prefer the clear aligner treatment because of its features, such as aesthetic, removable and comfortable. There are many studies which consider the influences of CAT on the periodontal health, and the conclusions are relatively consistent. The CAT is more beneficial for the plaque-control and maintaining the periodontal health. However, there are a few articles which are talking about applying the CAT to the patients with severe periodontitis. This article mainly reviews the effect of CAT towards the patients with periodontitis, and provides some reference when the patients with severe periodontitis need to choose a proper treatment.无论是采用无托槽隐形矫治还是固定托槽矫治进行正畸治疗,都必须在牙周健康的基础上进行,且以不损害牙周组织健康为原则。无托槽隐形矫治器因其美观、可摘戴、易清洁的特点深受医师和患者欢迎。有关无托槽隐形矫治对牙周组织健康影响的研究较多,大部分研究得出的结论较一致:与固定矫治相比,无托槽隐形矫治更有利于患者的牙周健康维护。但仍有部分不同观点认为只要进行充分的菌斑控制,矫治器的种类对牙周健康的影响不大。目前牙周炎患者的隐形矫治相关研究较缺乏,尤其是有关重度牙周炎患者的隐形矫治,现阶段研究多为病例对照研究,各项研究观点并不一致。本文主要综述无托槽隐形矫治对牙周健康及牙周炎患者牙周状态的影响,为伴错■畸形的牙周炎患者正畸治疗时矫治器的选择提供参考。.