The purpose of the work : to propose express methodological approaches for establishing the quality and ensuring the safety of fish food products based on the use of sensory analysis, based on the results of a scientific review. The methods that were used : a descriptive-analytical research method was used, a theoretical analysis of scientific, reference and methodological literature, as well as international and national regulatory documents in the field of organoleptics (sensorics) of food products was carried out. The element of novelty is the systematization of information on methodological approaches to assessing the quality of fish food products using sensory analysis, followed by the development of a methodological manual for use in the fisheries industry. Research results : determination of methodological system techniques for organoleptic (sensory) assessment of the quality of raw materials of aquatic origin and food products from it. Practical significance : the possibility of using operational approaches to assessing the quality and safety of fish food products as express methods. The research materials will be used in the preparation of a methodological manual on quality control and safety of fish food products using sensory analysis for use in the fish processing industry and trade, for the implementation of control and supervisory measures, as well as for use for educational purposes.