Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) is a potential therapeutic factor in wound healing. However, its applications have been restricted due to its low stability, short half-life, and limited target specificity. We aimed to immobilize KGF on collagen-based biomaterials for long-lasting and targeted therapy by designing fusion forms of KGF with collagen-binding domains (CBD) from natural origins. Twelve fusion proteins were designed consisting of KGF and CBDs with different lengths and amino acid compositions. Three-dimensional (3D) structures of the fusions were predicted by homology modeling. Physiochemical properties and secondary structure of the fusions were evaluated by bioinformatics tools. Moreover, the effect of the CBDs on the 3D structure and dynamic behavior of the fusions was investigated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The binding affinity of the fusions to collagen, KGF receptor, and heparin was assessed using docking tools. Our results demonstrated that fusions with small CBDs like CBD of mammalian collagenase and decapeptide CBD of von Willebrand factor (VWF) were more stable and properly folded than those with larger CBDs. On the other hand, the insertion of bulky CBDs, including Fibronectin CBD and CBD of Clostridium histolyticum collagenase, into KGF resulted in stronger binding to collagen. Therefore, very small or large CBDs are inappropriate for constructing KGF fusions because they suffer from low collagen affinity or poor stability. By comparing the results of MD simulation and docking, this study proposed that CBDs belonging to Vibrio mimicus metalloprotease and A3 domain of VWF would be good candidates to produce stable fusions with proper affinities toward collagen and KGF receptors. Moreover, the secondary structure analysis showed that the overall structure of KGF and CBDs was better preserved when CBDs were inserted at the C-terminal of KGF. This computational information about novel KGF fusions may help find the best constructs for experimental studies.