Herein, a chemical pre-potassiation strategy via simultaneously treating both glucose derived carbon (GDC) anode and commercial activated carbon (CAC) cathode in potassium-naphthalene-tetrahydrofuran solution is developed for potassium ion hybrid capacitor (PIHC). Combined with in situ and ex situ characterizations, a radical reaction between pre-potassiation reagent and carbon electrodes is confirmed, which not only deactivates electrochemical irreversible sites, but also promotes to pre-form a uniform and dense KF-rich electrolyte film on the electrodes. As a result, the pre-potassiation treatment presents multiple advantages: (I) the initial Coulombic efficiency (CE) of the GDC anode increases from 45.4 % to 84.0 % with higher rate capability; (II) the CAC cathode exhibits the improved cycling CEs and stability due to the enhanced resistance to electrolyte oxidation at 4.2 V; (III) the assembled PIHC achieves a high energy density of 172.5 Wh kg-1 with cycling life over 10000 cycles.