Neural-electronic interfaces through delivering electroceuticals to lesions and modulating pathological endogenous electrical environments offer exciting opportunities to treat drug-refractory neurological disorders. Such an interface should ideally be compatible with the neural tissue and aggressive biofluid environment. Unfortunately, no interface specifically designed for the biofluid environments is available so far; instead, simply stacking an encapsulation layer on silicon-based substrates makes them susceptible to biofluid leakage, device malfunction, and foreign-body reactions. Here, we developed a biofluid-permeable and erosion-resistant wireless neural-electronic interface (BNEI) that is composed of a flexible 3D interconnected poly(l-lactide) fibrous network with a dense and axially aligned piezoelectrical molecular chain arrangement architecture. The organized molecular chain structure enhances the tortuous pathway and longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient of poly(l-lactide) fibers, improves their water barrier properties, and enables efficient conversion of low-intensity acoustic vibrations transmitted in biofluids into electrical signals, achieving long-term stable and wireless neuromodulation. A 3-month clinical trial demonstrated that the BNEI can effectively accelerate the pathological cascade in peripheral neuropathy for nerve regeneration and transcranially modulate cerebellar-cerebral circuit dynamics, suppressing seizures in temporal lobe epilepsy. The BNEI can be a clinically scalable approach for wireless neuromodulation that is broadly applicable to the modulation of neurohomeostasis in both the peripheral and central nervous systems.