In the past seven years, dual Z-scheme heterojunctions evolved as favorable approaches for enhanced charge carrier separation through direct or indirect charge transfer transportation mechanisms. The dynamics of the charge transfer is the major strategy for understanding their photoactivity and stability through the formation of distinctive redox centers. The understanding of currently recognized principles for successful fabrication and classification in different energy and pollution remediation strategies is discussed, and a universal charge transfer-type-based classification of dual Z-schemes that can be adopted for Z-scheme and S-scheme heterojunctions is proposed. Methods used for determining the charge transfer as proof of dual Z-scheme existence are outlined. Most importantly, a new macroscopic N-scheme and a triple Z-scheme that can also be adopted as triple S-scheme heterostructures composed of four semiconductors are proposed for generating both oxidatively and reductively empowered systems. The proposed systems are expected to possess properties that enable them to harvest solar light to drive important chemical reactions for different applications.