Nitrate (NO3-) pollution has attracted widespread attention as a threat to human health and aquatic ecosystems; however, elucidating the controlling factors behind nitrate dynamics under the context of changeable hydrological processes, particularly the interactions between streamwater and groundwater (SW-GW), presents significant challenges. A multi-tracer approach, integrating physicochemical and isotopic tracers (Cl-, δ2H-H2O, δ18O-H2O, δ15N-NO3- and δ18O-NO3-), was employed to identify the response of nitrate dynamics to SW-GW interaction in the Fen River Basin. The streamwater and groundwater NO3- concentrations varied greatly with space and time. Sewage and manure (28 %-73 %), fertilizer (14 %-36 %) and soil organic nitrogen (12 %-28 %) were the main NO3- sources in water bodies. Despite the control of land use type on streamwater nitrate dynamics in losing sections, SW-GW interactions drove NO3- dynamics in both streamwater and groundwater under most circumstances. In gaining streams, streamwater nitrate dynamics were influenced either by groundwater dilution or microbial nitrification, depending on whether groundwater discharge ratios exceeded or fell below 25 %, respectively. In losing streams, groundwater nitrate content increased with streamwater infiltration time, but the influence was mainly limited within 3 km from the river channel. This study provides a scientific basis for the effective management of water nitrate pollution at the watershed scale.