Organophosphate esters (OPEs), which are phosphoric acid ester derivatives, are anthropogenic substances that are widely used in commerce. Nevertheless, there is growing public concern about these ubiquitous contaminants, which are frequently detected in contaminated water sources. OPEs are mostly emitted by industrial operations, and the primary routes of human exposure to OPEs include food intake and dermal absorption. Because of their negative effects on both human health and the environment, it is clear that innovative methods are needed to facilitate their eradication. In this study, we present a comprehensive overview of the existing characteristics and origins of OPEs, their possible impacts on human health, and the merits, drawbacks, and future possibilities of contemporary sophisticated remediation methods. Current advanced remediation approaches for OPEs include adsorption, degradation (advanced oxidation, advanced reduction, and redox technology), membrane filtration, and municipal wastewater treatment plants, degradation and adsorption are the most promising removal technologies. Meanwhile, we proposed potential areas for future research (appropriate management approaches, exploring the combination treatment process, economic factors, and potential for secondary pollution). Collectively, this work gives a comprehensive understanding of OPEs, providing useful insights for future research on OPEs pollution.