Considering the complex traffic environment in the future, an interactive strategy between human-machine shared control vehicle (HSCV) and automated vehicles (AVs) based on the adaptive non-cooperative game (NCG) theory is proposed to ensure the safety of vehicles interaction control involving drivers with different characteristics. In HSCV, first, considering the environmental risk potential field (ERPF) and the human-machine conflict coefficient, an adaptive weight distribution method is designed to realize the weight distribution between a driver and an automation system. Subsequently, the steering angle command imposed by a driver is introduced into the game solving process between HSCV and AVs, enabling adaptive dynamic game through weight adjustment. During V2V interaction, based on NCG and distributed model predictive control, a motion planning controller (MOPC) is designed to integrate the optimal solution problem of path planning and tracking control and solve the interaction problem with constraints. Two typical interactive scenarios are used to verify the feasibility of the strategy. The results demonstrate that the interaction strategy considering the different drivers’ operating commands not only realizes the interaction between a driver and an ego vehicle but also realizes the interaction between an ego vehicle and nearby vehicles to ensure the safety of vehicles.