Abstract This paper presents a comprehensive study of the fabrication and joining mechanisms of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites. The CFRP composites were fabricated by hand lay‐up and vacuum bagging methods. In order to improve the efficiency of the CFRP‐CFRP and CFRP‐AL 7075‐T651 joints, laminates with varying overlap lengths of 25 and 60 mm single lap joints were prepared in both multi‐riveted and hybrid bonded/riveted joint configurations. Due to the epoxy compatibility of CFRP‐CFRP joints, riveted/bonded hybrid joints (HJs) showed superior improvements compared to riveted joints for both material combinations at 25 and 60 mm overlap lengths. Non‐epoxy compatible surfaces of CFRP‐AL 7075‐T651 specimens performed similarly to riveted joints in hybrid configurations. The use of epoxy compatible surfaces was found to increase the joint strength in CFRP‐CFRP single lap hybrid joints in proportion to the increase in overlap length. Ansys non‐linear analysis and experimental results were complementary. The new improvements in joint efficiency of CFRP composites create a wide range of structural applications considering the increasing lifetime of the components and joints. Highlights Riveting of composites have negative impact on joint strentgh. Hybrid joints using a combination of rivets and adhesives can increase the load bearing capacity. Tensile performance strategy of joint in composites can be improved by diversification of joint combinations.