Previous studies demonstrate that grain-boundary sliding could accelerate creep rate and give rise to large internal stresses that can lead to damage development, e.g. formation of wedge cracks. The present study provides more insight into the effects of grain-boundary sliding (GBS) on the deformation behaviour of realistic polycrystalline aggregates during creep, through the development of a computational framework which combines: i) the use of interface elements for sliding at grain boundaries, and ii) special triple point (in 2D) or triple line (in 3D) elements to prevent artificial dilation at these locations in the microstructure with iii) a physically-based crystal plasticity constitutive model for time-dependent inelastic deformation of the individual grains. Experimental data at various scales is used to calibrate the framework and compare with model predictions. We pay particular consideration to effects of grain boundary sliding during creep of Type 316 stainless steel, which is used extensively in structural components of the UK fleet of Advanced Gas Cooled Nuclear Reactors (AGRs). It is found that the anisotropic deformation of the grains and the mismatch in crystallographic orientation between neighbouring grains play a significant role in determining the extent of sliding on a given boundary. Their effect on the development of stress within the grains, particularly at triple grain junctions, and the increase in axial stress along transverse boundaries are quantified. The article demonstrates that the magnitude of the stress along the facets is highly-dependent on the crystallographic orientations of the neighbouring grains and the relative amount of sliding. Boundaries, transverse to the applied load tend to carry higher normal stresses of the order of 100-180 MPa, in cases where the neighbouring grains consist of plastically-harder crystallographic orientations. An approach to estimate the amount of sliding as a function of GB particle morphology and diffusive accommodation is developed and employed. The possible implications of these findings on the initiation of creep damage are commented on.