Anyuan Gao,Yu-Fei Liu,Chaowei Hu,Jian-Xiang Qiu,Christian Tzschaschel,Barun Ghosh,Sheng-Chin Ho,Damien Bérubé,Rui Chen,Hai-Peng Sun,Zhaowei Zhang,Xin-Yue Zhang,Yu-Xuan Wang,Naizhou Wang,Zumeng Huang,Claudia Felser,Amit Agarwal,Thomas Ding,Hung-Ju Tien,Austin J Akey,Jules Gardener,Bahadur Singh,Kenji Watanabe,Takashi Taniguchi,Kenneth S. Burch,David C. Bell,Brian B. Zhou,Weibo Gao,Hai-Zhou Lu,Arun Bansil,Hsin Lin,Tay-Rong Chang,Liang Fu,Qiong Ma,Ni Ni,Su-Yang Xu
While ferromagnets have been known and exploited for millennia, antiferromagnets (AFMs) were only discovered in the 1930s. The elusive nature indicates AFMs' unique properties: At large scale, due to the absence of global magnetization, AFMs may appear to behave like any non-magnetic material; However, such a seemingly mundane macroscopic magnetic property is highly nontrivial at microscopic level, where opposite spin alignment within the AFM unit cell forms a rich internal structure. In topological AFMs, such an internal structure leads to a new possibility, where topology and Berry phase can acquire distinct spatial textures. Here, we study this exciting possibility in an AFM Axion insulator, even-layered MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ flakes, where spatial degrees of freedom correspond to different layers. Remarkably, we report the observation of a new type of Hall effect, the layer Hall effect, where electrons from the top and bottom layers spontaneously deflect in opposite directions. Specifically, under no net electric field, even-layered MnBi$_2$Te$_4$ shows no anomalous Hall effect (AHE); However, applying an electric field isolates the response from one layer and leads to the surprising emergence of a large layer-polarized AHE (~50%$\frac{e^2}{h}$). Such a layer Hall effect uncovers a highly rare layer-locked Berry curvature, which serves as a unique character of the space-time $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric AFM topological insulator state. Moreover, we found that the layer-locked Berry curvature can be manipulated by the Axion field, E$\cdot$B, which drives the system between the opposite AFM states. Our results achieve previously unavailable pathways to detect and manipulate the rich internal spatial structure of fully-compensated topological AFMs. The layer-locked Berry curvature represents a first step towards spatial engineering of Berry phase, such as through layer-specific moire potential.