Studies of the low-temperature superplasticity (SP) of ultrafine-grained (UFG) near β alloy Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-1Cr-1Fe at a temperature of 823 K (∼0.42 T m ) in the range of strain rates (2.0–6.9)·10 −3 s −1 have been carried out. It is shown that for an UFG alloy with an average grain size of d ∼ 0.17 µm, obtained by the method of multi-axial pressing, the value of the relative elongation to failure exceeds 950% at a strain rate of 2·10 −3 s −1 . Annealing of the UFG alloy at a temperature of 873 K for 1 h does not cause a noticeable increase in the average grain size ( d ∼ 0.23 µm), but leads to the transition of a part of grain boundaries to a more equilibrium state and a decrease in elongation to failure by more than 3 times in the range of strain rates. The study of the evolution of the microstructure under tension at a rate of 2·10 −3 s −1 showed that in both states of the alloy up to an elongation of 150%, the average size of the elements of the grain-subgrain structure practically does not change, which is due, among other things, to the appearance of new grains less than 100 nm in size during the SP deformation. It is shown that the significantly lower elongation to failure of the UFG Ti-5Al-5V-5Mo-1Cr-1Fe alloy subjected to annealing may be due to the hindered accommodation of grain boundary sliding during the SP deformation by intragranular dislocation slip because of the transition of individual grain boundaries to an equilibrium state. The preservation of the UFG structure of the alloy with high strength characteristics under conditions of low-temperature superplasticity creates good prerequisites for obtaining high-strength products of complex shape in the regime of SP forming. • UFG near β titanium alloy demonstrates elongation above 950% at a strain rate 2·10 −3 s −1 . • Low elongation of annealed UFG alloy is caused by hindering grain boundary sliding. • UFG structure with high strength is retains in alloy after low-temperature superplasticity.