We validated the effect of moveable arm support (Armrest®) on wrist posture during three standardized tasks. The use of the computer mouse has been increasing over the years and it has been identified as one of the occupational activities related to carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The main mechanism for CTS is carpal tunnel pressure (CTP) that could be estimated from the wrist posture. Using an electronic goniometer, we assessed wrist extension/flexion and ulnar-radial flexion in 15 participants (age: 34.8 [8.7] years) and calculated the time the wrist posture was outside the threshold values previously related to CTP. Specifically, we estimated time when wrist posture yielded >25 mmHg of CTP: wrist extension >32.7°; wrist flexion < −48.6°; wrist ulnar flexion >14.5°; and wrist radial flexion < −21.8°. Average wrist extension/flexion tends to be 13.4° lower (p = 0.063), while radial-ulnar flexion was 13.2° lower (p = 0.025) when Armrest® forearm support was used in comparison to fixed forearm support. Furthermore, the time spent outside the threshold wrist extension was 25.8% (p = 0.018) lower and ulnar flexion was 37.2% (p = 0.017) lower when using Armrest® compared to a fixed forearm support. Results were independent from tasks. Armrest® diminished the time spent outside the threshold values related to 25 mmHg of CTP indicative of CTS. A moveable arm support is a simple and effective way to increase occupational health during computer mouse work.