This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the German version of the 21-item Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS-G), which was administered in a large representative German sample (N = 1,611). In order to examine convergent validity, we also asked participants to answer the Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q). To investigate the discriminant validity, clients of fitness centers (N = 129), sport students (N = 85), and medical students (N = 129) filled out the EDS-G. In this German population-based sample, the seven-factor structure suggested by the original authors as well as a higher-order model (7 + 1 factor model) were supported. The total EDS-G scale showed an excellent internal reliability and was positively related to the EDE-Q total and subscale scores. The EDS-G scores differentiated between samples with varying degrees of exercise. In summary, the results indicate that the EDS-G is a psychometrically sound and potentially valid brief measure for the assessment of exercise depende...