To evaluate the quality of Pneumoconiosis Network Direct Report in Sichuan Province in 2006-2016.
download all the pneumoconiosis report cards from the Network Direct Report system. Screen out cards based on the diagnosis time that is between January 1st 2006 and December 31st 2016. Using R 3.4.0 software to analysis the number of missing or repeated cards, time-logical error rates, timeliness, reporting year, reporting intervals to evaluate the quality of Pneumoconiosis Network Direct Report and location distribution.
there are 38 855 pieces of Pneumoconiosis report card in total in 2006-2016. 352 pieces of cards were reported twice. 224 cards were missing. 229 cards have time-logical error. The rate of timely reporting for 2006-2016 years was 66.41% (2 5453/38 326) , 67.14% (24 658/36 726) for new cases, 58.87% (783/1 330) for promoting cases and 4.44% (12/270) for deaths. 87.38% (33 490/38 326) patients was reported in the same year. 10 days was needed to finish one report, confirming-filling cost much more time than filling-report (9.865/49.019) .
the records of pneumoconiosis report cards are much more complete, logical errors are less, and the timeliness was a little bit higher than the average level in China. But it also should be improved. The death cases are difficult to report. It takes longer to diagnose and fill in cards. Improving the timeliness rate can significantly improve the quality of network direct reporting.
Key words:
Quality of Network Direct Report; Pneumoconiosis report card; Timeliness