A tooth wear prediction methodology for helical gears in point contact is developed to evaluate their wear resistances using a lead crown. The load distribution coefficient is proposed in accordance with the elastic approach of each contact tooth pair being equal, and contact pressure are determined, and the sliding distance is obtained by adopting a generalized moving distance model. Then, the wear depth is computed in accordance with Archard’s wear equation, and the differences in tooth wear on standard and crowned helical gears are analyzed comparatively. The effects of crowned amount, fundamental geometry, and operating parameters on the wear resistance of the crowned helical gear pair are investigated. The results reveal that the tooth wear is lower on the gear surface with a moderate crowned amount than on the standard one, and that wear depths decrease with the increase in the helix angle, normal pressure angle, normal module, tooth number, or tooth width but increase with input torque rises. Furthermore, the rational lead crown, the geometric, and operating parameters optimization can be applied to wear resistance in the gear design.