We measured the Raman spectra of ferromagnetic, nearly half-metallic, CoS2 over a broad temperature range. All five Raman active modes Ag, Eg, Tg(1), Tg(2) and Tg(3) were observed. The magnetic ordering is indicated by a change of the temperature dependences of the frequency and the line width of Ag and Tg(2) modes at the Curie point. The temperature dependence of the frequencies and line widths of the Ag, Eg, Tg(1), Tg(2) modes in the paramagnetic phase can be described in the framework of the Klemens approach. Hardening of the Tg(2), Tg(1) and Ag modes on cooling can be unambiguously seen in the ferromagnetic phase. The line widths of Tg(2) and Ag modes behave in a natural way at low exciting laser powers (they decrease with decreasing temperature) in the ferromagnetic phase. At high exciting laser powers the corresponding line widths increase as temperature decreases below the Curie temperature. Then, as will be shown, the line width of the Ag mode reaches a maximum at about 80 K. Tentative explanations of some of the observed effects are given, taking into account the nearly half-metallic nature of CoS2.