Residues oil from oil slick treatment on the water surface cause chronic damage to the environment. These thin oil slicks were labeled with fluorescent. Adsorption characteristics of the modified polypropylene (PP) non-woven fabric PP-GMA-OA/SS were studied. The introduction of hydrophilic groups on the surface of oleophilic materials can accelerate the adsorption of thin oil slicks and produces two strengthening effects. Hydrophilicity is used to induce water molecules to carry oil slicks approach to the fabrics. Hydrophobicity of the fabric is used to quickly capture the oil. Through a method of fluorescence image processing, thin oil slicks were quantified based on integrated optical density (IOD) values. The method verified the rapid adsorption performance of modified PP non-woven fabrics on residual oil slicks based on hydrophilic induction and hydrophobic capture. The material has considerable adsorption capacity and is economical as a supplement material to thin oil slick adsorption.