Meralgia paresthetica (MP) is a painful mononeuropathy that causes paresthesia, tingling, stinging or a burning sensation in the thigh's anterolateral part due to the entrapment of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve under the inguinal ligament. The treatment options for MP include conservative or interventional management and must follow an algorithm. The objective is to eliminate the underlying cause if known. In the present study, four patients with MP who were successfully treated with either conservative or interventional management are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of neurolysis (decompression and transposition) and neurectomy procedures for surgical treatments are discussed.Lay abstract Meralgia paresthetica (MP) is a tingling, stinging or burning sensation on the thigh due to the compression of the nerve that gives sensation to the skin on the thigh. Constrictive clothing, obesity and pregnancy are common causes of MP. However, it can also be caused by local trauma or diseases such as diabetes. In most cases, MP can be treated with preventive measures such as wearing loose-fitting clothes and losing weight. In severe cases, treatment may require surgery.