High-quality AB-stacked bilayer or multilayer graphene larger than a centimetre has not been reported. Here, we report the fabrication and use of single-crystal Cu/Ni(111) alloy foils with controllable concentrations of Ni for the growth of large-area, high-quality AB-stacked bilayer and ABA-stacked trilayer graphene films by chemical vapour deposition. The stacking order, coverage and uniformity of the graphene films were evaluated by Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy including selected area electron diffraction and atomic resolution imaging. Electrical transport (carrier mobility and band-gap tunability) and thermal conductivity (the bilayer graphene has a thermal conductivity value of about 2,300 W m−1 K−1) measurements indicated the superior quality of the films. The tensile loading response of centimetre-scale bilayer graphene films supported by a 260-nm thick polycarbonate film was measured and the average values of the Young’s modulus (478 GPa) and fracture strength (3.31 GPa) were obtained. Large-area, high-quality AB-stacked bilayer and ABA-stacked trilayer graphene films have been achieved, with fine control of Ni content, on single-crystal Cu/Ni(111) alloy foils.