We have used carbocyanine dyes to fate map the primitive streak in the early chick embryo, from stages 3+ (mid-primitive streak) to 9 (8 somites). We show that presumptive notochord, foregut and medial somite do not originate solely from Hensen's node, but also from the anterior primitive streak. At early stages (4- and 4), there is no correlation between specific anteroposterior levels of the primitive streak and the final position of their descendants in the notochord. We describe in detail the contribution of specific levels of the primitive streak to the medial and lateral halves of the somites. To understand how the descendants of labelled cells reach their destinations in different tissues, we have followed the movement of labelled cells during their emigration from the primitive streak in living embryos, and find that cells destined to different structures follow defined pathways of movement, even if they arise from similar positions in the streak. Somite and notochord precursors migrate anteriorly within the streak and pass through different portions of the node; this provides an explanation for the segregation of notochord and somite territories in the node.