Introduction: Translating Feminisms in China: WANG Zheng and Dorothy KO. 1. Concepts of Women's Rights in Modern China: Mizuyo SUDO. 2. Translating the New Woman: Chinese Feminists View the West, 1905-1915: Carol C. CHIN. 3. Womanhood, Motherhood and Biology: The Early Phases of The Ladies' Journal, 1915-1925: Yung-chen CHIANG. 4. The Nationalist and Feminist Discourses on 'Jianmei' (Robust Beauty) during China's 'National Crisis' in the 1930s: Yunxiang GAO. 5. Making a Great Leap Forward? The Politics of Women's Liberation in Maoist China: Kimberley Ens MANNING. 6. 'The Silver Flower Contest': Rural Women in the 1950s and the Gendered Division of Labour: GAO Xiaoxian. 7. Rethinking the 'Iron Girls': Gender and Labour during the Chinese Cultural Revolution: JIN Yihong. 8. Who Is a Feminist? Understanding the Ambivalence towards Shanghai Baby, 'Body Writing' and Feminism in Post-Women's Liberation China: Xueping ZHONG