Objective: To investigate the outcome of long-term asthma management of China-Japan Friendship Hospital. Methods: A face-to-face, questionnaire-based survey was carried out in outpatient department in 30 general hospital (including China-Japan Friendship Hospital) from Oct 2015 to May 2016. Data of demographic characteristics, asthma control, asthma management, asthma attacks and self-management, disease perception was collected. Results from China-Japan Friendship Hospital were compared to the national mean level within the same period. Results: Altogether 150 asthmatic outpatients were recruited from China-Japan Friendship Hospital. Asthma control level was significantly higher than the national asthma control level[56.7% (85/150) vs 28.5% (1 099/3 854), P<0.001]. The rate of hospitalizations due to asthma exacerbations was significantly lower than the national hospitalization rate[13.3% (20/150) vs 26.4% (1 017/3 858), P<0.001]. The rate of peak flow meter (PFM) usage was significantly higher than the national PFM usage rate[50.7% (76/150) vs 10.1% (388/3 837), P<0.001]. For reasons of not using PFM, the proportion of doctors never introduced was lower than the national level[43.3% (65/150) vs 65.2% (2 518/3 860), P<0.001]. As to the choice of anti-asthmatics when symptoms deteriorated, the proportion of inhaled corticosteroid (ICS)+ formoterol was significantly higher than the national level[70.0% (105/150) vs 45.8% (1 776/3 875), P<0.001]. The proportion of the patients that had right perception on disease nature was significantly higher than the national level[78.7% (118/150) vs 69.0% (2 660/3 857), P=0.011]. The proportion of the patients that had right perception on medication choice on daily-used first-line medication for chronic asthma was significantly higher than the national level[70.7% (106/150) vs 60.2% (2 321/3 857), P=0.010]. Conclusion: The level of asthma control, disease management and disease perception in China-Japan Friendship Hospital are much higher than national level due to the conduction of long-term asthma management.目的: 评价中日友好医院对支气管哮喘(简称哮喘)患者长期管理的成效。 方法: 2015年10月至2016年5月,包括中日友好医院在内,我国内地(除西藏外)30个省、自治区、直辖市的30家三级甲等医院对门诊哮喘患者进行了面对面问卷调查,内容包括一般资料、控制水平、哮喘管理及自我管理、哮喘发作的征兆和疾病的认知水平。将其中中日友好医院的调查结果与30家医院的总体调查结果进行比较分析。 结果: 中日友好医院共纳入符合入选标准的门诊哮喘患者150例,哮喘总体控制率远高于30家医院的总体调查结果[56.7%(85/150)比28.5%(1 099/3 854),P<0.001];过去1年中因哮喘发作住院率远低于总体调查结果[13.3%(20/150)比26.4%(1 017/3 858),P<0.001];峰流速仪使用率远高于总体调查结果[50.7%(76/150)比10.1%(388/3 837),P<0.001],未使用峰流速仪监测的原因中,回答"医师从来没有介绍过"的比例远低于总体调查结果[43.3%(65/150)比65.2%(2 518/3 860),P<0.001]。哮喘症状加重或妨碍日常生活时的药物使用选择方面,选择含福莫特罗的复合糖皮质激素吸入剂的比例显著高于总体调查结果[70.0%(105/150)比45.8%(1 776/3 875),P<0.001]。对哮喘疾病本质具有正确认知的比例和对慢性持续期哮喘每日规律使用的一线治疗药物具有正确认知的比例均显著高于总体调查结果[78.7%(118/150)比69.0%(2 660/3 857),P=0.011和70.7%(106/150)比60.2%(2 321/3 857),P=0.010]。 结论: 由于实施哮喘的长期管理,中日友好医院哮喘患者的哮喘控制水平、疾病管理及认知水平均显著提高。.