Aimed at people interested in how to teach artificial intelligence (AI) especially to a diverse audience of high schoolers, attendees of this special session will engage with activities excerpted directly from AI4ALL's Open Learning curriculum. AI4ALL Open Learning makes AI education free and approachable to groups that are otherwise excluded from the tech economy due to socioeconomic status, geographic location, access to resources, race, gender, and other factors. Content is delivered through an online learning management system. It is meant to be used in a blended learning environment, where students have in-person access to peers and facilitators, but can also be used by self-guided learners, who will interact with other learners through forums and other online tools. During this session, attendees will experience some of the activities provided in the curriculum. Attendees will leave with the materials required to run the activities in their own classrooms. Time will be provided for attendees to share how they would adapt the activities for use in their own classrooms and to provide feedback to AI4ALL.