This chapter gives some brief historical comments on metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) and its development over its 50-year history. Precursors provide the key to the success of MOVPE in providing a very-high-purity source of the components of the compound semiconductor in a convenient form that can be delivered at (or close to) room temperature in precise molar concentrations. The development of MOVPE from a laboratory curiosity to full-scale production has gone hand in hand with development of safe practices in handling the precursors, safe design of MOVPE reactors, exhaust gas abatement, and waste products. The organometallic sources are toxic: the body can readily absorb hazardous heavy metals in an organic form. The organometallic precursors are also highly flammable and, in some cases will spontaneously combust in contact with air. The chapter also presents an overview of key concepts covered in the subsequent chapters of this book.