Abstract This paper studies a unidirectional ultra‐wideband circularly polarized (CP) spiral antenna array. The ultra‐wideband high‐gain CP operation is realized by implementing four‐element sequentially rotated spiral array antennas fed with an ultra‐wideband feeding network. Tapered multisections power dividers and broadband microstrip‐slot phase shifters are utilized to provide accurately equal power division and constant phase shifts of 90°. In order to further improve the CP operating bandwidth, foam of absorber is adopted between the radiating aperture and the feeding network substrate. The proposed CP array is designed, fabricated, and measured. Test results show that the impendence bandwidth of the proposed array covers 2.2 to 11.6 GHz (5.3:1) and 3 dB axial‐ratio bandwidth covers 2.3 to 13 GHz (5.65:1), demonstrating a stable CP array performance within an ultra‐wide working bandwidth.