Iryna Tsykhanovska,Victoria Еvlash,Alexandr Alexandrov,Tetiana Lazareva,Карина Володимирівна Свідло,Tatуana Gontar,Liubov Yurchenko,Лариса Федорівна Павлоцька
The moisture-retaining power (WRP) of dough is one of main functional technological parameters, because it influences the output, structural-mechanical properties and quality characteristics of bread and bakery products. For increasing WRP of rye-wheat dough, the polyfunctional food supplement “Magnetofood” is offered. For determining, what component of rye-wheat dough plays the leading role in absorbing and retaining water – there was studied the influence of the polyfunctional food supplement “Magnetofood” on water-absorbing and water retaining power of rye-wheat gluten and rye-wheat flour. It was established, that adding the food supplement “Magnetofood” in amount 0,15 % for the mass of rye-wheat gluten and rye-wheat flour increases their water-retaining power by 2,0 % and by 2,5 % respectively. There were studied water binding forms in gluten and flour at implementing the food supplement “Magnetofood” by the indicator method and one of differential-thermal analysis (DTA). There were established the quantity ratios of free and bound moisture in gluten and flour with food supplement “Magnetofood”. It was established, that model systems, based on rye-wheat gluten and rye-wheat flour, enriched with “Magnetofood” supplement, demonstrate the increase of the amount of free and bound moisture in 1,3 and in 0,35 times in experimental samples of model systems based on gluten, respectively; in 1,2 and 0,29 times in experimental samples of model systems, based on flour, respectively. DTA method established the increase of the total content of adsorptively and osmotically bound moisture in experimental samples of model systems based on rye-wheat gluten and rye-wheat flour at adding the food supplement “Magnetofood”: – adsorptively bound moisture grows: from 15, 3% to 19,7% (samples of model systems based on rye-wheat gluten) and from 18,3% to 25,4% (for samples of model systems based on rye-wheat flour); – osmotically bond water grows: from 10, 3% to 14, 4% (for samples of model systems based on rye-wheat gluten) and for 14,5% to 17,0% (for samples of model systems based on rye-wheat flour). It was revealed, that the increase of the moisture-retaining power of rye-wheat gluten and rye-wheat flour, enriched with the food supplement “Magnetofood” is explained by the “cluster-loop-chain” model of hydration of gluten proteins at “Magnetofood” nanoparticles. The obtained experimental data may be used at elaborating the technology of rye-wheat bread, enriched with the polyfunctional food supplement “Magnetofood”; and also at elaborating innovative technologies of food systems with proteins as gliadin, glutenin and so on. The results of this study have the theoretical and practical interest for the world scientific society, because they may be used for decelerating hardening processes, prolongation of storage terms, increase of output and improvement of quality parameters of bread and bakery products.