Summary There are many scientific reports on determination of the content and biological activity of compounds found in food. However, these analyses are not sufficient to determine their effect on the human body. During digestion of food ingredients, many changes can modify their structure and this may affect their absorption and bioactivity. Many phenolic aglycones are hydrophilic and can be absorbed through biological membranes by diffusion. However, most polyphenols occur in the glycosidic form, which undoubtedly affects their absorption in the intestine. Oligopeptides are also absorbable via secondary active transport but based on the hydrogen ion gradient or with transporter PepT1. The bioavailability of phytochemicals is determined by their molecular weight or chemical structure and the food matrix. Accordingly, the aim of this work was to present the novel scientific reports related to the influence the many factors on digestibility, bioaccessibility and activity of selected bioactive compounds of plant origin.