Víctor M. Acosta,Erik Bauch,M. P. Ledbetter,C. Santori,Kai‐Mei C. Fu,Paul E. Barclay,Raymond G. Beausoleil,H. Linget,Jean-François Roch,François Treussart,Sergey Chemerisov,Wojciech Gawlik,Dmitry Budker
期刊:Physical Review B [American Physical Society] 日期:2009-09-09卷期号:80 (11)被引量:484
Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in millimeter-scale diamond samples were produced by irradiation and subsequent annealing under varied conditions. The optical and spin-relaxation properties of these samples were characterized using confocal microscopy, visible and infrared absorption, and optically detected magnetic resonance. The sample with the highest ${\text{NV}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ concentration, approximately 16 ppm $(2.8\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}{10}^{18}\text{ }{\text{cm}}^{\ensuremath{-}3})$, was prepared with no observable traces of neutrally charged vacancy defects. The effective transverse spin-relaxation time for this sample was ${T}_{2}^{\ensuremath{\ast}}=118(48)\text{ }\text{ns}$, predominately limited by residual paramagnetic nitrogen which was determined to have a concentration of 49(7) ppm. Under ideal conditions, the shot-noise limited sensitivity is projected to be $\ensuremath{\sim}150\text{ }\text{fT}/\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$ for a $100\text{ }\ensuremath{\mu}\text{m}$-scale magnetometer based on this sample. Other samples with ${\text{NV}}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ concentrations from 0.007 to 12 ppm and effective relaxation times ranging from 27 to over 291 ns were prepared and characterized.