Summary Freezing and thawing of soils may affect the turnover of soil organic matter and thus the losses of C and N from soils. Here we review the literature with special focus on: (i) the mechanisms involved, (ii) the effects of freezing temperature and frequency, (iii) the differences between arable soils and soils under natural vegetation, and (iv) the hypothesis that freeze‐thaw events lead to significant C and N losses from soils at the annual scale. Changes in microbial biomass and populations, root turnover and soil structure might explain increased gaseous and solute fluxes of C and N following freeze‐thaw events, but these mechanisms have seldom been addressed in detail. Effects of freeze‐thaw events appear to increase with colder frost temperatures below 0°C, but a threshold value for specific soils and processes cannot be defined. The pool of C and N susceptible to freeze‐thaw events is rather limited, as indicated by decreasing losses with short‐term repeated events. Elevated nitrate losses from soils under alpine and/or arctic and forest vegetation occurred only in the year following exceptional soil frost, with greatest reported losses of about 13 kg N ha −1 . Nitrate losses are more likely caused by reduced root uptake rather than by increased N net mineralization. N 2 O emissions from forest soils often increased after thawing, but this lasted only for a relatively short time (days to 1–2 months), with the greatest reported cumulative N 2 O emissions of about 2 kg N 2 O‐N ha −1 . The emissions of N 2 O after freeze‐thaw events were in some cases substantially greater from arable soils than from forest soils. Thus, freeze‐thaw events might induce gaseous and/or solute losses of N from soils that are relevant at the annual time scale. While a burst of CO 2 after thawing of frozen soils is often found, there is strong evidence that, at the annual time scale, freeze‐thaw cycles either have little effect or will even reduce soil C losses as compared with unfrozen conditions. On the contrary, a milder winter climate with fewer periods of soil frost may result in greater losses of C from soils that are presently influenced by extended frost periods.