The aberrant misfolding of human islet amyloid polypeptide into cytotoxic amyloid aggregates is the hallmark of type II diabetes. In order to avert the formation of amyloid aggregation, a variety of peptides has been used as inhibitors. Recently, a peptide derived from the amyloidogenic core of hIAPP (hIAPP22–27) and consisting of all d-amino acid residues (D-nl), was found to efficiently prevent hIAPP fibril formation. To investigate the mechanism via which D-nl inhibits hIAPP aggregation, we have carried out all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, where we observe that the ordered β-sheet structure of hIAPP22–27 is completely destabilized when D-nl is incorporated in it. The formation of β-sheet structures by full-length hIAPP is also not favored in the presence of D-nl peptides, due to which hIAPP tends to attain a random loosely packed conformation. As a control, we also study the influence of hIAPP22–27 (L-nl) on the aggregation propensity of full length hIAPP. While L-nl supports the aggregation of hIAPP by stabilizing the β-sheet rich aggregates, D-nl interrupts hIAPP–hIAPP interactions via hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions, thus obstructing the self-aggregation of hIAPP. Further, D-nl also partially dissolves the preformed hIAPP protofibrils. This work provides new insight into the activity of peptide inhibitors against amyloid aggregation at a molecular level and can be exploited to advance the field of diabetes treatment.