This study aims to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to determine trolling in online environments. Two different study groups were used in the study. The study group for the exploratory factor analysis consisted of 493 university students (72.2% female; 27.8% male). The study group for confirmatory factor analysis consisted of 690 university students (71.7% female; 28.3% male). As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, it was seen that it consisted of 16 items and 3 sub-dimensions that explained 56.80% of the variance. The model obtained after the exploratory factor analysis was tested with confirmatory factor analysis and it was determined that the fit index values were within acceptable limits. The criterion validity of the scale was carried out with the Revised Cyberbullying Scale for University Students. Whereas the Cronbach alpha value for the entire scale was .89 for all of the scales, the same was found for sub-dimensions as .85, .73, and .66. As a result, it can be stated that the scale is a valid and reliable measurement tool.