Entrustable professional activities (EPAs) are tasks that a person who is qualified or is in the process to be credentialed are allowed to engage. There are several levels of entrustment based on degrees of supervision assigned to each EPA. This paper aims to describe the process and outcome of creating EPAs; validate EPAs relevant to undergraduate dental training.A draft set of EPA statements was developed based on the consensus of an expert panel. These were then mapped to the nationally determined minimum experience thresholds (clinical and procedural experiences/competencies) and aligned to task-based instructional strategy. The EPAs were validated to improve the relevance by using a criterion-based rubric.An end-to-end process workflow led to the development of an EPA-based educational framework to bridge the gaps in the curriculum. The process identified a total of 41 EPAs and out of which, 10 EPAs were notated as core EPAs and will be subjected to structured workplace-based assessment complying to the national standards. The validation exercise rated core EPAs with an overall score matching close to the cut-off of 4.07 (Equal rubric).The end-to-end process workflow provided the opportunity to elaborate a structured process for the development of EPAs for undergraduate dental education. As validation is a continuous process, feedback from implementation will inform the next steps.