Background Eyelid scarring after severe burn injury of the face is a significant complication endangering vision in addition to the burn scar sequelae. Scar contraction leads to asymmetry and malposition of the eyelid axis, resulting in corneal exposure, eyelid retraction, and incomplete eyelid closure. In consequence, dryness and irritation of the cornea can lead to keratitis, corneal opacity, and vision impairment. In this study, we present our surgical technique for lateral canthopexy in combination with full-thickness skin grafting (FTSGing) in patients with eyelid axis distortion after scar contraction of the periorbital region after severe burn injuries of the face. Methods In this retrospective, single-center case study, we present 5 consecutive patients who experienced severe burn injuries to the face between 2014 and 2019. Patients were suffering from ectropion and malposition of the eyelid axis. In all cases, we performed lateral transosseous canthopexy and FTSGing. Results Improved symmetry and complete eyelid closure were restored in all 5 patients. The following ophthalmological examinations showed resolved corneal erosions, as well as reduction of chemosis and epiphora. Further vision impairment was successfully prohibited. Surgical revision with FTSGing was required in 2 patients because of recurrence of unilateral lower eyelid retraction. Conclusions Lateral transosseous canthopexy represents a suitable surgical method to durably correct eyelid malposition, ectropion, and incomplete lid closure in patients with severe scarring of the periorbital region after burns of the face. Early detection of patients at risk and timing of surgical intervention are of great importance.