Steep creek hazards are characterised according to their solid fraction ν s , which governs the flow dynamics. To arrest these hazards, rigid multiple barriers are installed along a channel. However, existing design guidelines are deficient because the fundamental overflow and landing mechanisms are not well understood. In this study, experiments were conducted using a 5-m-long flume to model the impact of flows with different ν s on a rigid barrier. By varying the ν s of sand-water mixtures, the dynamics of different steep creek hazards were modelled. The barrier height was varied to obtain Barrier Froude numbers Fr b (ratio of flow inertia to potential energy related to barrier height) from 0.7 to 3.4. Results show that barriers should be designed so that Fr b < 1, which leads to downward overflow with reduces landing distances. Additionally, the landing distance for the watery flows (ν s = 0 to 0.1) is up to 87% longer than that of dry granular flows. This implies that the design spacing between barriers should cater for different types of steep creek hazards and Fr b . An existing framework for multiple barriers is modified to provide guidance on the selection of the barrier height using the Fr b.