Johnson, R. F. (2010). Breaking family ties: taxon sampling and molecular phylogeny of chromodorid nudibranchs (Mollusca, Gastropoda). — Zoologica Scripta , 40 , 137–157. Although researchers have debated the monophyly of the diverse chromodorid nudibranchs (Chromodorididae) for over 100 years, the monophyly of this family has not been properly tested. Recent morphological and molecular phylogenetic studies have added to the debate, but have not used appropriate methods to resolve this issue. I investigate how outgroup choice and taxon sampling influences tree topology and in turn the recovery of chromodorid monophyly. As a demonstration of these potential methodological problems, I then present phylogenies resulting from different taxon‐sampling schemes using the same molecular data. Taxon sampling has a strong influence on the resulting phylogenies. With comprehensive taxon sampling and outgroup selection, Cadlina is not a member of the Chromodorididae. The chromodorid nudibranchs without Cadlina are monophyletic and possibly sister to the Actinocyclidae. Additionally, I found, for the first time, support for most current family groupings in the Doridoidea. I propose a new classification in which Cadlina is not considered a member of the Chromodorididae. Instead, I resurrect the family name Cadlinidae to include the genera Cadlina and Aldisa .