Ultra-narrow-linewidth lasers are of great interest in many applications, such as precise spectroscopy, optical communications, and sensors. Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS), as one of the main nonlinear effects in fibers, is capable of generating narrow-linewidth light emission. We establish a compact Brillouin/erbium fiber laser (BEFL) utilizing 4-m erbium-doped fiber as both the Brillouin gain and linear media. A 360-kHz-linewidth laser diode is injected into the cavity as the Brillouin pump (BP) light and generates Brillouin Stokes lasing light. Both of the phase noise of the BP and BEFL output are measured by a high-accuracy unbalanced Michelson interferometer. It is demonstrated that 53- dB phase noise reduction is achieved after the BP is transferred into Brillouin Stokes emission. The linewidth of the BEFL is indicated at Hz-range by both calculation and experiment.