Dracorhodin perchlorate (DP) is extracted from Dragon’s blood , which is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine, especially in wound healing. The aim of this paper is to investigate the influence of DP ointment, which contained DP dissolved in DMSO and mixed with Vaseline, on cutaneous wound healing in Wistar rats. Forty Wistar rats were divided into two groups: control and DP groups. The skin on the back of each rat was punched with two full‐thickness wounds and then treated with the corresponding drug. After 3, 7, 10, 14, and 21 days, four rats were sacrificed for immunological, biochemical, and histological analyses. Compared with the control treatment, DP could significantly promote wound closure. Histological and biochemical analyses of the skin biopsies also showed that DP regulated the expression of inflammatory responses by TNF‐ α and IL‐ β and by supporting wound tissue growth and collagen deposition. Western blot revealed that DP could also facilitate the expression of EGF and VEGF proteins. In conclusion, DP promotes wound healing.