Six treatments on coconut shell aggregate were studied. Through scanning electron microscopy and ImageJ software, the microstructural analysis on coconut shell aggregate has been studied. Sizes of ImageJ used the total area under study, total pore area from both 8-bits and RGB methods, and the pore area % were determined. Results on water absorption from treatments adopted are concurrence to the presence of the pores in the treated coconut shell aggregates. It is possible to bring down the 0% water absorption of coconut shell from its natural range from 20 to 25% by proper treatment. The order of performance improved by the six materials used for treating the coconut shells are acetic acid, sago flour, slaked lime, ferrous sulfate, polyvinyl alcohol, and cornflour. Combining both performance and cost among these, then the two best treatment materials to treat coconut shells are the use of sago flour and slaked lime.