Recently, origami structures have been widely studied for various applications such as mechanical, electrical, bio, and nanosystems. Unlikely paper-like materials, engineering materials have higher stiffness and thickness so the hinge-like motion of the crease of paper origami is impossible. Therefore, origami, which is not made of paper-like materials, has different characteristics from paper origami. Several researchers reported that introducing slits or holes at or near the crease can make the hinge-like motion of the origami, but investigating the effects of the crease line design was not considered. In this paper, a perforated crease line was considered and parametric studies of the crease line design were investigated by finite element analysis and experiment. It was found that the length and distance of the perforated holes were significant factors to determine the stability and the barrier force and spring constant of Kresling origami could be optimized. Finally, it was shown that special motions could be realized with a combination of two origami with the same dimension but different crease line designs.