Comparison of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India (DIPSI) and WHO criteria for diagnosis of gestational diabetes by assessment of fetomaternal outcomes
To evaluate fetomaternal outcomes in women who are normoglycemic by Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India (DIPSI) but have gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) by WHO criteria versus those who are normoglycemic by both DIPSI and WHO criteria.This was a prospective, cohort study. A total of 635 women participated. They underwent a 2-h non-fasting oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and results were interpreted by DIPSI. Out of 635 women, 52 were lost to follow up and 33 were diagnosed as GDM by DIPSI and excluded from the study. The remaining 550 women, after 72 h from the first test, underwent a 75-g fasting-OGTT and results were interpreted using WHO 2013 criteria. Results of the second test were blinded till delivery. The 550 women were followed for fetomaternal outcomes. Participants with normal DIPSI and normal WHO 2013 OGTT were labeled group 1. Participants with normal DIPSI but abnormal WHO 2013 OGTT were labeled group 2. Fetomaternal outcomes were compared between these groups.Occurrence of GDM by DIPSI was 5.1%, by WHO 2013 criteria it was 10.5%. Composite fetomaternal outcomes occurred more commonly in women with a normal DIPSI but an abnormal WHO 2013 test. Out of 550 women, 492 had normal DIPSI and normal WHO 2013 test. Out of this 492, 116 (23.6%) women had adverse fetomaternal outcomes. Fifty-eight women out of 550 had a normal DIPSI but an abnormal WHO 2013 test. Thirty-seven (63.8%) women out of 58 had adverse fetomaternal outcomes. We found statistically significant association between adverse fetomaternal outcome and GDM by WHO 2013 test (with normal DIPSI test).WHO 2013 has superior diagnostic value compared with DIPSI criteria for diagnosis of GDM.