Abstract Due to the difficulty in infusing resin into interiors of fiber bundles by prevalent pre‐impregnation methods like melt impregnation and the substantial polarity difference between glass fibers (GF) and polypropylene (PP), the application of continuous glass fiber reinforced polypropylene (CGF/PP) composites has been restricted. In this study, a hybrid emulsion is prepared to address the polarity difference through coating process. And further by optimizing coating process parameters, composites glass fibers with excellent performance can be obtained. The study demonstrates that the composite glass fiber with coating amount of 15.34% exhibits good bunching and flexibility. The monofilament tensile strength and interfacial shear strength (IFSS) are increased by 2.53% and 109.74%, respectively compared to the desized glass fiber (GF0). Furthermore, after the hot‐pressing process, the composites glass fiber bundles show fully filled gaps and a completely wrapped surface. This study lays the foundation for producing CGF/PP prepreg composites conveniently, efficiently, and commercially.