Determination of Solid-State Acidity of Lyophilized Trehalose Containing Citrate, Phosphate, and Histidine Buffers Using UV/VIS Diffuse Reflectance and Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Changes in the protonation state of lyophilized proteins can impact structural integrity, chemical stability, and propensity to aggregate upon reconstitution. When a buffer is chosen, the freezing/drying process may result in dramatic changes in the protonation state of the protein due to ionization shift of the buffer. In order to determine whether protonation shifts are occurring, ionizable probes can be added to the formulation. Optical probes (dyes) have shown dramatic ionization changes in lyophilized products, but it is unclear whether the pH indicator is uniform throughout the matrix and whether the change in the pH indicator actually mirrors drug ionization changes. In solid-state NMR (SSNMR) spectroscopy, the chemical shift of the carbonyl carbon in carboxylic acids is very sensitive to the ionization state of the acid. Therefore, SSNMR can be used to measure ionization changes in a lyophilized matrix by employing a small quantity of an isotopically-labeled carboxylic acid species in the formulation. This paper compares the apparent pH of six trehalose-containing lyophilized buffer systems using SSNMR and UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UVDRS). Both SSNMR and UVDRS results using two different ionization probes (butyric acid and bromocresol purple, respectively) showed little change in apparent acidity compared to the pre-lyophilized solution in a sodium citrate buffer, but a greater change was observed in potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, and histidine buffers. While the trends between the two methods were similar, there were differences in the numerical values of equivalent pH (pHeq) observed between the two methods. The potential causes contributing to the differences are discussed.